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Is Your IT Support Like a Leaky Boat?

Published 19 Feb 2019

I wrote a thought provoking blog back in August called the “The IT Service Value Paradox – “How not calling your IT Support Company is actually better value for your business”

I thought it would be a good opportunity to follow up and put a bit more context surrounding this concept and ultimately what makes us different here at Select Technology.  Those who know me will know that I love a good metaphor, after all, in an often overly complicated world; it is a great way to simplify things and help re-frame people’s perspectives.  So here goes:

Support with no proactivity is like a team sitting in a leaky boat, a vicious cycle of continually bailing out water with seemingly no time to fix the holes while randomly drifting along with no plan for the direction of the boat or its desired destination.

Dissecting this metaphor and applying it in the context of the real world IT Support looks like this:

  • Think of the boat representing a support company’s clients
  • The people are the support team
  • The holes are clients risks and support exposure
  • The incoming water is the relentless incoming support
  • And the boat direction/destination is support strategy.

Of course in this situation any thought regarding proactivity is hampered by the relentless incoming water, the boat is therefore slow to move forward and reach its desired destination and the people are caught in a vicious cycle.

Whether in-house or outsourced, in IT there is always a degree of reactive time but most people would agree that not enough proactive time is available which just isn’t good for the business.

The value of our service is not judged by how many times you call us for help or how fast we react when you do – it’s actually about how we reduce risk and improve your business through our unique processes.  After all, when you call for support it’s because technology is limiting your business rather than complementing it.

We are different at Select Technology.  Alongside our busy Helpdesk – we have dedicated teams and unique processes designed to continuously look after our clients proactively resulting in better results.

  • We have teams whose sole purpose is to find those holes in the boat and devise strategies to remove or reduce them
  • We have teams who spend scheduled time onsite regularly reviewing our clients infrastructure against our best practices to ensure risks are mitigated
  • We have Leadership teams who meet with our clients quarterly to have business discussions and how technology can help achieve their business goals.

Our unique approach brings stronger and more predictable results, which fundamentally reduces business risk meaning we enjoy relationships that are more positive with our clients.  For us it’s about positive actions which lead us all to positive results.

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