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Project Royalty – The PRINCE2 Methodology

By Scott Relf, Projects Manager | Published 24 Jun 2019

PRINCE2 (PRojects IN Controlled Environments v2) is a proven methodology for conducting project based change in a structured and manageable manner, and is recognised worldwide as a highly effective control model, offering best practice resource and risk management guidelines that can be applied in any project environment.

PRINCE was originally based on PROMPT, a project management method created by Simpact Systems Ltd in 1975, and adopted by the Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency (CCTA) in 1979 as the standard to be used for all UK Government information system projects.

When PRINCE was launched in 1989, it effectively superseded PROMPT within Government projects. PRINCE remains in the public domain and copyright is retained by the Crown. PRINCE2 was published in 1996, having been contributed to by a consortium of some 150 European organisations.

Here at Select Technology we are embedding PRINCE2 principles within our Professional Services Team, and bringing these benefits to our Clients which enables more consistent and predictable results regardless of whether we are installing physical server infrastructure as part of a planned hardware refresh, migrating a Client’s workloads into a cloud environment, or implementing network infrastructure change.

So, what does this mean, in real terms, for Clients engaging with our Professional Services Team?

A single word answer, to that very open question, would be Control. The structured process model of PRINCE2 enables a project to be broken down into management stages with defined boundaries and goals, reporting and issue highlighting mechanisms that both inform and advise the relevant roles, and pre-agreed actions in the case of any tolerances being breached (be they time, cost, quality, etc.).

By the organised use of Risk and Change Management procedures, and an evolving Business Case providing continuous business justification, the Client is kept informed at every stage. Risk is inherent in any changes from the status quo, however all that “risk” really means is “the unknown”. Risk can be both positive (in the form of an opportunity), or negative (in the form of a threat). Controlling these “unknowns”, and making them “known” (or manageable in the event they cannot be made known), is at the core of PRINCE2 and provides the most real-world benefit to Clients.

Project work should never be considered a potential money/time blackhole, but a force for change that can have a huge and positive impact on a Businesses operational effectiveness. PRINCE2 helps to reinforce Client confidence in the outputs being delivered, and satisfaction in the outcomes delivered back to the Clients business.

After all, who wouldn’t want royalty involved in their next major IT Project?

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