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Dark Web Monitoring

Are your company credentials on the Dark Web?

The Dark Web is a layer of the Internet, accounting for 6% of the total Internet, that is accessible via specialist browsers. The Dark Web is considered a haven for criminal activity, from the sharing of illegal information to the sale of arms and drugs. Company credentials that are stolen or leaked will find its way onto the dark web, whether freely shared or sold in market places. Employees often use the same password for multiple services on the web, such as CRM, e-commerce sites, and social media exponentially increasing the risk and impact of any breach.

With our Dark Web Monitoring solution, we keep a close eye on whether your business data is available on the Dark Web and we provide you with daily updates of any accounts that are exposed so you can take immediate action averting any threat.

Proactive monitoring of stolen and compromised employee data on the dark web allows us to detect when a problem arises, before a major breach occurs.

What the dark web looks like

Our service

Select Technology has partnered with leading dark web monitoring company ID Agent to provide you with the confidence you need when considering your cyber security needs.

We continuously monitor the Dark Web 24/7 365 days of the year.
We detect when business credentials appear on the Dark Web.
We automatically notify of these compromises.
If your information has been breached, we will advise on the next steps needed to mitigate the risk.

What is the dark web?

The internet is a layered universe, the surface web, the deep web and the dark web. The different layers are based on how you access them. The surface web is accessible via your standard search engines such as Google, Bing etc and would include all your favourite websites. The deep web is content stored by organisations, people and are not accessible via search engines, but via passwords and forms. The dark web is only accessible via specialist browsers, that allow you to access the dark web anonymously, and in this part of the internet, is where you will find illegal activity, including drug trafficking, arm sales and the sale/sharing of stolen information.

How are stolen/exposed information found on the dark web?

We monitor the dark web using your top-level email domain. When your information is found we harvest it, analyse what is found and report back to you. We look for your information in dark web chatrooms, hacking sites, forums, and social media, executing 10,000 refined queries daily.

How is the data stolen or compromised?

The data can be obtained either by:

  • Phishing or keylogging – this is where the data was entered into a fictitious website, purposely created to obtain data.
  • 3rd party breach – your data was exposed via a data breach to another business/organisation where your data was being held.
  • An accidental breach – the data was shared accidentally on the web, social media, or peer-to-peer sites.
  • A malicious breach – this is where the data was obtained directly from your business purposely.

In all cases you may not be aware that your data has been breached and available on the dark web. With our service we continuously monitor the dark web checking to see if your data is there, and if found we can advise you of the steps needed to protect your business.​

Does this mean my organisation is being targeted?

Having your data your found on the dark web does not definitely mean that you are being targeted. However, this would be considered very concerning and would require an evaluation of systems and processes to ensure that they are robust.​

Can I track personal email accounts for compromises?

Yes, we allow 5 personal email addresses per business to be monitored alongside all email accounts on the business domain.

Can data found on the dark web be removed?

Data posted within the dark web is often quickly copied and distributed to multiple sites to be purchased or shared with cyber criminals. Hence the ability to remove this data is implausible. The best action is to understand the data that has been obtained and make improvements to your systems.

Internet security awareness training

We offer a unique training programme, delivered in collaboration with ID Agent. Our training is deigned to educate and challenge your team concerning cyber security. We use real-life examples and situations, to ensure that your team becomes a true human firewall.

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